Sawasdee! Welcome to COMIC SQUARE

Thank you for your interest in being a part of our convention. For your benefits, if you are interested in exhibiting in COMIC SQAURE as Circle or Exhibitor, please see our regulations and instructions below thoroughly before making decision.

1,192 SP168 SP15 Units2 Units4 Units
Actual number of booths may differ depending on number of qualified and entitled applicants.


For those who have previously attended Comic Square, there are some significant changes in CQ8 regulations as follows,

  • Expanding space from Union Hall 2 to Union Hall 1 and 2.
  • Circles can select their preferred zone in the application form.
  • Changes have been made to the rules regarding lottery products.
  • New rules have been added regarding booth decoration, other guidelines for the event day, and the refund policy.
  • A rule prohibiting the sale of food products and fortune-telling services has been added.
  • On the event day, staff will photograph your booth after inspection and before the sales begin to keep a record of the event.


Application PeriodOctober 18 – November 10, 2024Application Form CQ0-1
Entitled Applicant List AnnouncementNovember 22, 2024Entitled Applicant List
Payment PeriodNovember 22 – December 1, 2024Payment Form CQ1-1
Floorplan and Booth Number AnnouncementDecember 20, 2024Official Fan Page, Official Site and
Entitled Applicant List
Menu Image Submission PeriodDecember 20, 2024 – March 13, 2025Menu Submission Form CQ1-3
ShowdayMarch 16, 2025Union Hall 1-2, Fl. F6,
Union Mall, Bangkok
*Schedules are subject to chage as appropriate.



  1. Wear comfy outfit as it will be summer in March in Thailand. The weather can be as hot as 35-45 ํC. However, in the auditorium the air conditioning can be chilling sometimes. Bringing a thin shawl or jacket is a good idea too.
  2. Thai people are considerably open for diversities, either in term of acceptance of foreign visitors, gender, race, religion, and, in term of manga content; there is no aversion to any specific genre.
  3. However, it is recommended to inform buyers before hand if your work contains senvitive contents, for instance, suicide, violence, child abuse, etc. Having Content Warning (CW) and/or Trigger Warning (TW) mark on the cover and signs is safer for you and buyers.
  4. Most Thai buyers can communicate in basic English, at least enough to buy and to give you some short greetings. Some may find a bit difficult for deeper conversations such as asking for an autography or telling how long he/she has been following you. Please be patient and enjoy the moment with your oversea fans.
  5. Buyers nowadays typically bring a little cash and pay by bank transfer. You may hear the word “QR code” “scan” “promtpay” “Own” (Thai word for “Transfer”) from your customers. It will be very convenient if you can accept Thai transfer payment or have some Thai friend to do so. Otherwise, ‘Cash Only’ sign will be very helpful to allow your buyers to get themselves ready before buying.
  6. Typically, female artists and female buyers account for a greater population than male artists and male buyers in Thai douinshi events. However, the porportion is more blended in COMIC SQUARE –roughly 55/45 famale to male–.
  7. Almost all books sold in Thai doujinshi conventions are made in Thai language. Thai or English traslated version is strongly suggested for oversea artists. Japanese, Chinese, and other languages are very rare.
  8. Don’t know how much you should price your products? Our previous CQ7 menu compliations may help.
  9. Though NSFW works are commonly traded in Thai doijinshi market, in fact, it is not legal by Thai laws. Please strictly follow our instructions regarding selling NSFW products.
  10. During the showday, only pre-opening announcement and closing ceremony will be made bilingually –in Thai and English–. The rest of promotional announcements will only be made in Thai. However, non-Thai circles and exhibitors can always refer to our English exhibitor manual which will be provided altogether with the registration ticket in the email to be sent around 1-2 weeks before the showday. Our English-speaking staffs are also always happy to assist you throughout the process from the application period to the end of the show day.
  11. No need to underestimate yourself that you would have nobody knowing you in such distant country. Be confident and have fun!


Floorplan is subject to change as appropriate.


Circle: a individual person who is an independent writer or a group of independent writers who create and sell works by his/her/themself(selves) (Gender and age not limited) and not a juristic entity or representative of a juristic entity such as a company, publishing house, foundation, etc.

1 SP950฿2 passesHalf Table (75×75 cm.) + 1 chair
2 SP1,900฿4 passes1 Table (150×75 cm.) + 2 chairs
4 SP3,800฿8 passes2 Tables (300×75 cm.) + 4 chairs
2 SP EXTRA2,400฿4 passes1 Table (150×75 cm.) + 2m. rear space depth + 2 chairs + shared power outlet
(Please bring your own extension cord)
4 SP EXTRA4,800฿8 passes2 Tables (300×75 cm.) + 2m. rear space depth + 4 chairs + shared power outlet
(Please bring your own extension cord)
Prices shown are inclusive of 7% Thai government VAT


For shops, small businesses, juristic persons or representative of a juristic person that sell products related to the target group. Either handmade products, industrially produced products, imported merchandises are eligible to be sold. (All types of couterfeited products are strictly prohibited.) Individual persons can apply for this type of booth as well.

2×25,000฿4 passes2×2 system booth + 1 table (150×75 cm.) + 2 chairs + Power outlet
2×2 CORNER6,000฿4 passes2×2 system booth (corner location) + 1 table (150×75 cm.) + 2 chairs + Power outlet
3×3 CORNER10,000฿5 passes3×3 system booth (corner location) + 1 table (180×75 cm.) + 2 chairs + Power outlet
Prices shown are inclusive of 7% Thai government VAT


  1. Comic Square aims to promote all types of creative comic works by all types of artists, regardless of age, gender, race and nationality, occupation, reputation, experience, and skill level.
  2. Comic Square welcomes foreign applicants and new applicants that have never attended any other doujinshi convention before.
  3. Please note that circles may not be entitled even if there are excessive spaces if our staffs find that
    1. information filled in the application form is incomplete or not insufficient for consideration
    2. applicant intentionally filled false information
    3. applicant grants right to or is hired by the 3rd person to apply on his/her behalf
    4. applicant has a record of misbehavior or/and annoyance to other attendees in our previous events
    5. applicant intentionally applied multiple times to increase chances of entitlements, such as changing the name of the booth, changing the name of the booth owner of which all applications are from the same person or group.
    6. applicant abandoned their booth or did not show up on the showday without prior or restrospective notice to the staff in the previous time they applied to our events
  4. The organizer reserves rights to retroactively revoke applicant’s entitlement if the violation in item 3.2 -3.5 is later discovered even though the name list has already been announced. If the applicant has already paid, a full refund will be made within 30 days after the revocation. (Except for the application fee (if any), it will not be refunded in any case)
  5. In case the number of qualified applicants exceeds the number of available spaces, qualified applicants will be chosen at random. Historical record of attendance and reputation are not considered.
  6. Actual products to be sold on the showday may differ from those filled in the application form. However, applicants are suggested to sell what they filed and infrom the staffs if there is any change to avoid any conflict and suspension on the showday.
  7. Changing of significant information such as contact person or booth cancellation can only be done in writing using the contact name or email address filled in the application form and by email.
    • Once the contact person has been change, the former contact person may no longer make any change on the circle information.
    • Once the booth has been cancled and is allocated to the pending applicant, it is not reversible.
  8. Changing the booth owner, selling or giving away a booth to a third party who is not a booth member without permission from the staffs will result in the original and new booth owners being permanently banned from applying to attend future events.
  9. Special requirement regarding booth location, such as being next to a friend’s booth, having an elderly or disabled member, can be made in the application form. However, it will be mande on best-effort basis and can not be guaranteed due to venue limitations.
  10. By submitting the application form, applicant understands and accepts all of the rules and regulations of COMIC SQUARE. Applicants are free to ask any questions, provide comments and suggestions to our staffs at any time.


  1. Number of product is unlimited per one SP. However, please consider an appropiate number of space to match your number of items and product size.
  2. Size of product may not be larger than the space applied and intrude adjacent circle’s area and common area.
  3. Product must not contain any official logo, trademark, official illustration, photo of real person from whom you are not granted rights (for real person slash and fan fiction product), or any part of the third person’s work which you do not own.
  4. Promotional campaign, give away, novelty can be made/given to buyers. The novelty must be made by yourself and must not be the prohibited product. (See: What cannot be sold?)
  5. Circle may not pose extra charge for the novelty in addition to the main product. (Ex. Customer must buy item A in order to get item B for free.) If the novelty has it own price, please specify and sell it separately.
  6. Every item must be made by circle him/her/themselve. None of any item may be counterfeit or illegal againts Thai laws
  7. For products sold through lottery, lucky draws, claw machines, gachapon machines, or similar methods, all prizes must be items created by the circle themselves. Industrial products are not allowed as prizes, either as a part or whole. A clear sign listing the prizes should be displayed for buyers to see.
  8. If any book, merchandise, novelty is found violative, COMIC SQUARE Staffs reserve rights to warn, suspend the sale, and, withhold the violative items until the end of the event.
  9. Judgement of staffs regarding circle’s product is final.
  1. E-books and Digital products may be displayed and sold to cumtomers like physical products and delivered in a proper method. Circles are allowed to recieve payment and deliver product through 3rd-party platfrom, for example, MEB, Fahfahworld
  2. Since COMIC SQUARE does not allow sale by auction, selling of NFT through the 3rd party platform is prohibited and can be done only by a direct transer to buyer’s wallet. However, circles are allow to promote his/her/their account on the NFT platform without specifying buyer to place bid on any specific item.
  3. NFT must be original work of the circle. A collection of the other artists’ work cannot be sold.
  1. Condition and scope of rights of use should be shown in a written format and informed to the buyer before selling.
  2. There should be a sign or labeling that indicate the adoptability and separate from the other printing products of which multiple copies are made and rights of use is not included, such as poster, postcard.
  1. If you want to display a standee in a regular circle booth, you must apply for at least 2SP of booths. 1 standee is allowed in exchange to 1 chair to be given up. No more chair can be replaced for standee if the circle member has to stand behind, in front, or beside the booth all the time.
  2. No electricity is available for regular circle booths. If you wish to use electricity for your devices, please apply for 2SP EXTRA circle booth or exhibitor-type booth.
  3. For regular circle booths, Livestreaming event for customers to talk with VTubers is not allowed as it may cause blockage on the walkway.
  4. If there is any showreel or livestreaming, please be mindful of your volume so as not to disturb neighboring booths and refrain from using amplifiers or connecting speakers from your devices, mobile phones, computers, or televisions.
  5. Inside the hall, there will be no internet signal or Wi-Fi signal from service providers. If needed, applicants must prepare themselves. Please consult with our staffs if you plan to organize an activity and/or need the internet or monitor and apply for the appropriate booth type
  1. AI: A computer software that creates media files based on user’s keyword
    COMIC SQUARE does NOT consider AI-genetered art as circle’s creation as they are a collage and combination of existing human artists’ works and it is still doubtful about the copyright of the work and the consent of the artist whose work is used to train artificial intelligence.
  2. Circle may not sell products made entirely from AI-generated items, such as art books, postcards, art prints.
  3. Comics created by composing AI-generated images may not be sold since the illustrations are not owned by the circle and the consent or permission from the original artist cannot be proven, even if the circle takes part in composing the story, which is considered an important part.
  4. It is suggested to avoid inserting AI-generated images directly into Circle’s work, such as background images, buildings, or structures.
  5. Only use of AI allowed is for idea and inspiration, such as character designs, costumes, buildings, which circle recreates illustration based on images generated by AI in his/her/thier style.



Comic, manga, novel, light novel, art book


Circle fully own the work or take a significant part of creation (ex. illustration, composing, one of the writer in the anthology)


Story is based on the existing manga, anime, or media franchise which circle does not own


Story is based on a community created before November, 2023, of which the member is more than 10


Manga, novel, light novel, art book, photo book, Encyclopedia, Illustration Book, Fairy Tale, other type of book which is not included in those three above and is considered relevant by the staffs

GAME & ANIMATION (Doujinsoft)


Conventional game (board game / card game) and software (computer game / console game) developed by circle


2D Anime, 3D Animation, Motion comic, animated media created by circle


Other types of multimedia, ex. movie, drama CD, music, created by circle and considered relavant to the scheme of COMIC SQUARE


Variety of merchandises related to comics/anime/art created by circles ex. key chains, notebooks, broochs, phone straps, stationery bags, cloth bags, t-shirts, stickers, desktop stands, calendars, files, paper, note paper


Collectibles of vtubers of which circle is a producer, showreels, activites

(Please see instructions for vtubers above)


Paid draw-to-order service ex. paintings, notebook cover drawings, digital paintings, both in-event or post-event


Ready-made character designs or any design that include rights of use and reproduction, which may be displayed as a portfolio, sold, advertisement of the adoptable being listed on the 3rd party platform

*Only set-price pricing is allowed. Bidding is prohibited.


Digital Products

Image files, audio files, video files, fonts, themes, and stickers to be used on cellphone or computer.


digital file of book
such as .pdf .epub files


Tokenize artworks that indicate ownership on the blockchain.


  1. Doujinshi created based on cartoons, media, or brands for which the copyright owner or brand owner has declared a prohibition on fanmade products.
– Among Us
– BNK48
– The Mask Singer
– SSSS.Gridman
– Phanom Tian’s Work (Thai author)
– The Untamed and all characters from Mò Xiāng Tóngxiù‘s works
– Characters from Larian Studio (
– Love and Deepspace
– Disney (goods prohibited)
– Kingdom Hearts (goods that contain Disney character prohibited)
– Undertale (Title and logo may not be included)

Circles that produce fanmade products are responsible to refer the rules and conditions of the original copyright owners. If there is any media franchise of which the copyright owner or brand owner has announced a prohibition on fanmade products that are not on this list, it is also considered prohibited to be sold in COMIC SQUARE. These rules are specific to COMIC SQUARE and circle may not claim that such works have been sold in other doujinshi works or in other countries. We ask all circles to kindly respect the original creators and right owners for the sake of the dojinshi community as a whole.

  1. Work created by AI, whole or in part.
  2. Finished products that are labeled/repackaged as circle’s own brand name, without any creative extension of the circle and/or have the original brand logo on the product.
  3. Official products produced by publishers or companies that own the rights to the comics, anime, or characters.
  4. Commercially manufactured fanmade product that is considered beyond being leisure or doujin product by the staffs.
  5. All kinds of food and beverages, whether packaged in bags or bottles, and whether fresh or dried food.
  6. fortune-telling services
  7. Any product to be sold by auction
  8. Any product considered by the staffs irrelevant to the COMIC SQUARE scheme


For circle applicants, from application period to the showday, staffs may request you to show a Proof of Originality (PoO), an evidence to confirm that you are the creator of the product being sold upon request by buyers or at random.

  • Circles are suggested to prepare a sketch, original manuscript, work-in-process file, or any evidence to show to staff in case of being requested. It could be a notebook with sketches, hardcopy paper work, photos or videos in your mobile phone that record your process, files in the laptop pc or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram account where pictures or video clips are posted during the working process.
  • Please note that even if the applicant has been entitled after the application period or has submitted a menu image, if there is later found that the authorship of some/all product(s) cannot be authenticated, staffs may ask you to refrain from selling the item on the showday or suspend the entire booth. To avoid possible conflicts, circle should be cautious about selling merchandise that he/she/they is/are not sure if it meets the event’s regulations and should avoid sharing a booth with others you do not know well or give the booth to the others without permission from the staffs.
  • For new applicants who have never attended COMIC SQUARE before, it is strongly recommended that you submit a valid Facebook page, Twitter account, Instagram account, or samples of your work as much as possible. Submiting personal Facebook accounts, newly opened blank page, locked private Twitter or Instagram accounts are a typical clause of failing the applicant process.


COMIC SQUARE strongly believes in freedom of art. However, please kindly note that selling of pornography is not legal in Thailand though it is common in doujinshi community. In addition, as our community continues to grow rapidly and more new visitors are coming, there may be a large number of youth, parents, and the general public who do not know the nature of the community on the showday. To maintain a good image of yourself and our community as a whole, we kindly ask that every circle considers whether or not his/her/their product qualifies as an NSFW product according to the definition of COMIC SQUARE. Please stay ‘safety first’ and strictly follow our instructions.


  • contains sexual temptation such as nudity, sexual intercourse, rape, and sexually provocative positions, regardless the character is dressed or naked
  • contains verbal violence or violent illustration or story such as severe physical harm, swear words, or insults.
  • contains gruesome images such as blood, corpses, parts of internal organs, guro-themed illustration
  • contains acts that are illegal or seriously immoral, such as crimes, drug use, intoxicants, discrimination or incitement to conflict between ethnicities, religions, politics, which require the reader’s discretion and maturity.

PRODUCT NOT CONSIDERED NSFW (R-18) Illustration of character in sexy outfit such as swiming suit, bikini, underwear, and/or not in sexually provocative positions and/or of which genitals are not emphasized / Kissing characters

  1. Circles under 18 years of age are prohibited from selling R-18 products.
  2. R-18 products must be labeled or clearly indicated to buyers. The product shall be completely sealed. In case of the cover does not contain any sensitive images, it can be packed in a clear envelope. Otherwise, it is required to be censored or packed it in an opaque envelope. (See guidance below) Circles and visitors are prohibited from opening and reading within the event. The product mustnot be sold to underage buyers. Circle is responsible for verifying the buyer’s age from their Thai i.d. card, passport, or government-issued i.d. card as appropriate
  3. Circles are be responsible for preparing their own envelopes to contain their products and readily packing before the showday. Otherwise, circles may not ask staffs for permission to sell withour packaging, claiming that they have no envelope.
  4. Advertising of R-18 products that contain sensitive images on public media of COMIC SQUARE, both before the event, on the day of the event, and after the event, such as cutout images, menu images published on the page, hardcopy menu displayed at the booth must be completely and appropriately concealed. (See instructions below)
  5. If the R-18 product does not contain sensitive images or text on the cover or any indication of the sensitive content inside, circles can fully advertise on COMIC SQUARE media yet the rating is still required to be stated.
  6. At the convention, a sample of comic book and novel can be displayed but the part that contains sensitive contents must be sealed to disable readers to open or to read it.
  7. Circles should include warnings of sensitive content (Content Warning (CW) / Trigger Warning (TW)) such as death, suicide, self harm, incest, rape, child molestation, corpses, etc., on the cover or signs so that buyers can decide before purchasing.
  8. COMIC SQUARE does not have rules for R-13 and R-15 items. Those items are under the same rules as general products. Circle can volunteerly indicate the rating and wrap the products at their own will.
  9. If you are not sure whether your product is classified as R-13, R-15, or, R-18. Please consider from parent’s perspective and seal it before hand to prevent opening. Staffs are always happy to give you a clear guidance how you should display your product.



Upper body naked male / Swimimg suit and underwear / Nude charactor of which the breasts and ginatal are hidden without sexual arousal

No action neededCan be displayed on menu image and banners


Characters dressed in daily-life outfit or those in item 1

Pack in clear envelopeCan be displayed on menu image and banners with R-18 mark


A female character’s neckline is open so her nipples are visible / The character is wearing a tight shirt or a wet shirt that shows the shape of her nipples. (female characters and femboys) and/or the shape of their genitals clearly visible / characters with their breasts exposed and nipples visible and/or opening their legs to reveal underwear that clearly shows the shape of genital and/or the genitals can be seen / the character has a horrifying gaping wound, internal organs are visible, limb which is severely cut and the wound is bloody fresh.

Pack in clear envelope and censor sensitive areaCan be displayed on menu image and banners with R-18 mark and sensivive area being crossed or marked
Tape or place memo on the printed poster and the top book of the pile


Naked characters having sex / Group of naked characters / Character among genitals or ganital-shaped tentacles / Corpes with visible internal organs fully spreaed on cover

Show only characer face (Bubble Censor) or pack in opaque envelopeIllustration to be cropped or displayed only character face or non-sensitive area
Only one censored book to be placed on top of the table and the rest to be kept underneath and to be sold one-by-one in opaque envelope


  1. The area of 1 SP is width 75 cm, depth 75 cm, height 73 cm (half table). No table mat provided.
  2. 1 chair will be given for 1 SP. Extra chair requests cannot be made. Circles are allowed to bring 1 foldable chair (30 cm in width) per 1 SP if neccessary.
  3. Each booth are required to be inspected by staffs before the convention begins. Circle that has already finished his/her set up may raise his/her hand to request a booth inspection and may start trading immediately after passing the booth inspection.
  4. After receiving the booth inspection, circle may not add items apart from what has been inspected nor change signage and booth décor. If there is any change, please raise your hand to call the staffs for booth inspection again.
  5. After the booth inspection is completed, the staff will take a photo of your booth to keep as a record of the event.
  6. Do not write, put adhesive tape, hammer nails, or do anything that damages tables, chairs, equipments, and the venue. Circle will be responsible for any damage occurred from violation.
  7. Do not place merchandise and luggage in the area of neighboring circles, walkways, and other common areas.
  8. It is recommended for circle to have an easily noticable circle name sign, printed menu, and price tags.
  9. Circles with any decoration built up atop the table are required to install firmly within 1.2 m and ensure that the decoration is strong enough so that it will not fall or cause damage to those around you, or obscuring other people’s vision.
  10. For circle booth type, electricity is available only for 2SP EXTRA and shell scheme booth. Since the power outlet is shared among nearby circles, please bring your own 1-2 extension cords (length 5-10 meters). For normal type booths, there will be no electricity available as they are beyond the wiring distance.
  11. It is not allowed to put up signs, posters, hang merchandise, put adhesive tape, or do anything else. that may damage the wall
  12. If you want to set up a standee in a standard circle booth, you must apply for a booth of at least 2SP size. The event allows for one standee to be set up, but you must give up one chair in exchange. It is not permitted to replace all chairs with standees, leaving the seller standing behind, in front of, or next to the booth at all times.

Detailed venue entrance and registration procedure as well as set-up instructions will be availvable in the Exhibitor Manual, which will be sent to all circles and exhibitors approximately 1-2 weeks before the showday.


  1. Please wear your Circle or Exhibitor badge and wear the wristband at all time. Only wristband will be considered by the staffs at the entrance checkpoint. Circle may not enter the hall only with a circle/exhibitor badge and without a wristband.
  2. Circle and Exhibitor wristbands are the exclusive rights of the booth exhibitor only. It is seriously prohibited to give away or resell to anyone who is not a booth member. If found, future booth application will be revoked.
  3. Preparing enough small bills and coins for change for buyers is recommended.
  4. There is no limitation regarding the payment methods that circle accepts from buyers, such as cash, bank transfers, Thai QR Code PromptPay, credit and debit cards, paypal, e-wallet, crypto currency, government spending stimulus measures such as Half-Half, We Love Each Other (Section 33) (if available at that time). Circles should prepare their own equipment and payment details signs ready.
  5. There should be a container or bag for keeping cash covered and it should be carried with you if you have to leave the booth.
  6. If you expect a large number of customers at your booth, you should prepare a sign indicating the end of the line, plan the queue arrangement to ensure it is orderly and does not disturb neighboring booths, and ensure you have enough staff to manage sales at your booth.
  7. Do not make loud noises, run, smoke, drink alcohol, or do anything which disturbs other attendees.
  8. Please dress politely.
  9. Do not walk around advertising products, handing out flyers, giving out product samples, or organize activities outside of their own booth area.
  10. Circles can display flyers at their own booths as long as they are related to their own products, art, or the theme of the event. A flyer on behalf of a company or organization is not allowed.
    Sample of allowed flyers: a doujinshi event flyer that you organize with your friends, upcoming book project free paper, your private watercolor workshop course
    Sample of prohibited flyers: advertisement of your family’s water pump business, art school where you teach but you are not the owner
    If you are unsure whether the flyers can be placed at the booth or not, feel free to ask our staffs first.
  11. Food, drinks, and anything that has a strong odor or could be a risk of spillage should not be brought into the hall area.
  12. On the day of the event, it can be extremely crowded and there may be criminals mixed in. You should be careful and help monitor the safety of nearby circles. If you encounter a suspicious person or suspicious behavior, please notify any of our staffs or the security guard immediately.
  13. Please maintain cleanliness and collect trash at the points provided by staffs.
  14. In the convention, there may be a photographer of COMIC SQUARE (wearing a staff badge) to take photos of the atmosphere of the convention for promotional purpose and to be included in our company’s portfolio. If you do not wish for the photographer to take your photo, you can notify the photographer immediately.
  15. After the booth inspection, circles may take photos and videos of their products and booths for promotional purposes and as a keepsake. However, please be careful not to include neighboring booths in your shots, avoid filming the general atmosphere of the hall, and refrain from using the footage for other purposes, such as creating YouTube content or other media not in the name of the circle.
  16. COMIC SQUARE reserves the rights to ask circles and exhibitors that violate the rules to leave the venue without being responsible for the booth rental fees that have been paid and is not responsible for damages caused by circles and exhibitors in any case. Violating the rules will affect the consideration of the next circle application.
  17. The organizer counter is located in front of the entrance of the hall. (The same point as the registration point) and there will be staffs patrolling the area at all times. Our staffs are always happy to help you at anytime.


  1. Circles and visitors can cosplay at the convention.
  2. Please refrain from sitting, gathering in groups, occupying space, putting on makeup, dressing or preparing cosplay equipment outside the event area.
  3. Please dress in your costume from your accommodation before arriving at the venue. Or, spend as little time as possible dressing up in the venue to share the space with fellow attendees.
  4. Do not cut or trim wigs in the bathroom.
  5. Please refrain from taking photos, recording videos, or live-streaming the walkway, in front of the booth circle and exhibitors, and any area that disturbs other attendees.
  6. The use of all types of weaponry and imitation weapons such as guns, swords, grenades, spears, lances, knives, etc. is strictly prohibited. If you bring them, you will not be able to enter shopping centers, the electric train system, and many public places.
  7. Military and police uniforms from all countries and eras are prohibited.
  8. Please refrain from wearing props that are more than 80 cm in width including the torso, such as wings, armor, skirts, and headgear, and, refrain from wearing inflatable suits and rigid suits such as dinosaur suits and mascot suits.
  9. Please refrain from bringing cosplay equipment that is larger or longer than 30 cm into the event area as it may disturb other attendees. In the case that you bring in large equipment, our staffs may need to ask for it to be left outside the hall. COMIC SQUARE cannot be held responsible for any damages or losses that occurs with your equipment.
  10. Please refrain from posing and taking photos in sexually suggestive or inappropriate positions in public.
  11. Please refrain from taking cosplay photos outside of the event venue as it is beyond the area permitted to COMIC SQUARE to use.
  12. Please take care of your belongings yourself. Your equipment and belongings should not be left in common areas as they may disturb other attendees and may loss.
  13. Please understand that COMIC SQUARE allows cosplay for the sole purpose of allowing attendees to enjoy the atmosphere of the comic event. Please refrain from taking project photos or gatherings for other activities. If you wish to take photos for purposes other than personal use. You must request permission in writing from the property owner in advance, according to the conditions set by the building and venue management.


  1. If the applicant cancels the booth before the floorplan announcement, applicant will receive a 50% refund of the service fee paid. For oversea applicant, the outbound refund will be made in Thai Baht and the actual amount recieved may vary denpending on the exchange rate at the time. The applicant is responsible for exchange rate fluctuation and bank fees related to the refund transfer.
  2. After the floorplan announcement, refund can no longer in any case.
  3. Please kindly note that within the same zone and same booth type, everyone’s booth positions will be allocated equally at random. Applicants may not cancel and request a refund of the booth fee because they received a booth position that they did not like. Applicants cannot specify booth locations except in cases of health necessity only.
  4. In any case where the applicant is entitled to request a refund, such as in the event of withdrawal within the refund period, natural disasters, pandemics, terrorism, or unforeseen circumstances that prevent the event from being held, or any deficiencies that prevent the applicant from participating in the event through no fault of their own, the organizers will refund up to the amount that the artist has already paid.

Last update October 14, 2024